Antoni Gaudi

Antoni Gaudi was a Spanish architect born in Reus. Antoni Gaudi was born in 25 June 1852.

Antoni Gaudi was death on 10 June 1926. He lived in a castle.





He was an artist and one day he was painting him self.




Kurt Yaeger

Kurt yaeger was born on 3 janury 1977. Kurt Yaeger is an Americian model acter and profetinial athlete.

Kurt Yeager was born in St Francisco.


Elive presley

Elvis Presley was a Amarician singer and a SAmarician soldier. There is a song of him called evlispresley
siting on a taxi.

He died on 1977 and he was born on 8th janury.



The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariesis) is a lemur a strepsirrhine primate native to Madagascar. The aye-aye has a long finger nail and a big foot.


Red panda

The red panda is a shining fox. The red panda is a red fox. The red panda eats eggs insets and mammals. The red panda lives in the Himalayas and in the south of china. The red panda haves long legs. The red panda loves to seek in the forest of china.


borris the cute babby bear

This is a video that a baby bear named borris

My Video of minecrarft

This is a video of minecraft donth make it full sound becose there is a song a rock minecraft song

a strong little ginua pig


A day in the life of a Pirate

This is a life of piretes were before it came 2013

polar bear video

This is a video from bbc it was happend in north pole