Yeti Crab

hirsuta was discovered in March 2005.images (3)  named the genus Kiwa after “the goddess of the shellfish in the Polynesian mythology”.

Yeti crab.

This is a yeti crab and the Yeti crab and she lives in the sea and she has her mum and dad.

yeti crab


Yetis don’t just stomp around the Himalayas: apparently, they also crawl on the ocean floor.

A new species of yeti crab has been discovered deep in the South Ocean by a team of British scientists. The crab has yet to be formally classified, and has been nicknamed “the Hoff” because of its extremely hairy chest.

The crab occurs in staggering densities. It is just incredible to see these animals literally lying in heaps around the diffuse flow of these vents,” Dr Alex Rogers, the leader of the research cruise and a professor at Oxford University’s Department of Zoology, told the BBC. “In places, they reached as many as 600 individuals per square meter (about 55 crabs per square foot).

Yeti Crab

Discovery of the “Yeti Crab”

An international team of scientists recently announced the discovery of a new species of blind deep-sea crab whose legs are covered with long, pale yellow hairs. This crab was first observed in March 2005.

Because of its hairy legs, this animal was nicknamed the “Yeti crab,” after the fabled Yeti, the abominable snowman of the Himalayas.

This drawing shows the Yeti crab that was collected by scientists on the Pacific-Antarctic ridge. The drawing was created by scientific illustrator Karen Jacobson.

The primary goal of this expedition was to learn how bottom-dwelling animals from one deep-sea hydrothermal vent are able to colonize other hydrothermal vents hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Sciencist noticed an unusually large (15-cm-long) crab with hairy arms lurking on the seafloor.

Most of the crabs were living at depths of about 2,200 meters (7,200 feet) on recent lava flows and areas where warm water was seeping out of the sea floor. According MBARI biologist Joe Jones, “Many of the crabs were hiding underneath or behind rocks—all we could see were the tips of their arms sticking out.”

The car of cindirella

Cindirella car





  • A Yeti Crab was discovered in 2005 in the south pacific ocean.
  • It is approximetely 15cm long.
  • Its legs are covered with long, pale yellow hairs
  • It was nicknamed “Yeti Crab” because of its hairy legs
  • It has strongly reduced eyes that lack pigment and is thought to be blind.







Hansel and Gretel

hansel andgretelmy candy.

yeti crab

It lives in Pacific Antarctic Ridge in March 2005.


Yeti Crab

Kiwa hirsuta is a crustacean discovered in 2005 in the South Pacific Ocean.[1] This decapod, which is approximately 15 cm (5.9 in) long, is notable for the quantity of silky blond setae (resembling fur) covering its pereiopods (thoracic legs, including claws). Its discoverers dubbed it the “yeti lobster” or “yeti crab”.[2]